Methane Guiding Principles 2024 Best Practice Guides

Methane Guiding Principles 2024 Best Practice Guides

The Methane Guiding Principles (MGP) is pleased to announce the release of updated versions of our popular Best Practice Guides.  The guides are designed to support oil and gas operators in making improvements in methane emission management across the natural gas supply chain. Capturing a wealth of knowledge and insights from MGP members and global […]

Influencing Joint Ventures: MGP Launches Playbook to Engage Partners

Methane Guiding Principles (MGP) has launched a new playbook for companies looking to work with their joint venture (JV) partners on methane reductions. This playbook includes strategies for engaging uncooperative partners and offers practical advice on reducing methane emissions in non-operated JVs (NOJVs). The oil and gas sector is the largest industrial source of methane […]

Introducing: Mist 2.0

We recently launched a new and improved version of the Methane Inventory Systematic Tool. Mist 2.0 helps oil and gas companies to quantify their methane emissions and calculate the mitigation potential and costs to reach net zero.

Flaring Management Guidance from Ipieca, IOGP and World Bank

Ipieca Executive Director Brian Sullivan, IOGP Executive Director Iman Hill and GGFR Program Manager Zubin Bamji describe how the flaring management guidance can help industry, government and regulators work together to reduce CO2 and methane emissions and drive sustainable development.

Methane Masterclass: E-learning Now Available

Delivered by independent experts in methane management from the Sustainable Gas Institute, Imperial College London, the Methane Masterclass is designed to improve awareness and know-how on managing methane emissions.