Advancing Global Methane Reductions

Connecting Companies and Countries to Spark Collaboration

Participating Members:


Jump-Start Action Toward Emissions Reductions and Policy Adoption

The Global Methane Pledge commits 158 countries around the world to accelerate progress in curbing methane emissions. Reaching the Pledge’s target of a 30% reduction by 2030, compared with 2020 levels, will take a concerted, multistakeholder effort that sees lessons learned by leaders in the field reach those further behind the curve. To that end, in 2023 MGP launched the Advancing Global Methane Reductions (AGMR) initiative, to provide a platform for its members to work with others in the ecosystem, particularly government ministries and national oil companies (NOCs).





Global emissions

0 %

Leveraging Leadership to Raise the Bar

AGMR helps to form communities of practice around methane mitigation, applying the strengths of MGP members in places where they are most needed. It places the emphasis on knowledge exchange, with MGP members striving to share their insights with government and NOC partners. While everyone collaborates in good faith toward the unified goal of emissions reduction, actions taken are ultimately up to the government or NOC partner.

Guiding Principles

Key Factors for Progress

Case study

PETRONAS Drives Change in Southeast Asia

PETRONAS, Malaysia’s national energy company, builds bridges between public and private sectors through the Methane Leadership Programme.

Link to interview with Lindsee (TBC)

“AGMR puts within reach the expertise of top-class performers on methane management. It democratizes best practice and provides reduction pathways for places further behind the learning curve.”


Related News

Frequently Asked Questions

What is AGMR?

Advancing Global Methane Reductions (AGMR) enlists MGP members to bolster countries’ methane reduction efforts, aligned with the Global Methane Pledge, through shared insights, best practices, technology transfer and more. 

The ultimate goal is measurable reductions in methane emissions in participating countries, especially those that are further behind the curve on adoption of the most advanced strategies, technologies and solutions. To reach this goal, MGP members help disseminate key learnings to their partners and share successful strategies from their methane reduction efforts. MGP recognizes that we must be sharing what has already been proven to work. 

AGMR parties engage in a variety of activities, including workshops and courses, in addition to more formal pursuits like signing memoranda of understanding to transfer knowledge and/or technology. Ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all model for collaboration under the AGMR framework; each set of stakeholders engages in a way that works for them, as each country’s methane reduction journey is unique. 

See here for an example of AGMR collaboration.

Every MGP company with direct operations in the oil and gas value chain is participating in AGMR. As a flagship initiative of MGP, AGMR leverages the strengths of its members to help other parts of the oil and gas value chain reach best-in-class status on methane management.

See here for a complete list of participating companies.

MGP considers five key factors to determine progress:

  • Enactment of policy
  • Voluntary commitments
  • Capacity building
  • Access to financing
  • Access to low-carbon markets

See here for more on AGMR’s key factors for progress.

Event Highlight

Event: Methane Mitigation Summit, Europe is taking place on 25 – 27 February, in Amsterdam. Register to attend now!