Enabling Action to Reduce Methane Emissions Globally


Methane Guiding Principles

Methane Guiding Principles drives efforts in five priority areas to reduce methane emissions from natural gas. Our members develop and share practical tools and guidance to help others to learn from their experience and put those lessons into practice.

Who we are

Our Members

Methane Guiding Principles has 46 members committed to reducing methane emissions. They actively share their knowledge to accelerate methane mitigation across the oil and gas industry. 


Best Practice Guides

MGP’s Best Practice Guides are designed to support those responsible for developing and implementing methane management plans. There are 10 Guides, each focused on a specific priority action and available in multiple languages.

Latest Webinar

Engineering Solutions for Methane Abatement

July 17, 2024

13:00 BST

In this webinar, we are joined by four industry experts who share their experience and insights on preventative engineering technologies, eliminating methane emissions prior to detection, abatement solutions from highest risk sources and more.
On Demand Webinar
Featured resource

Joint Venture Playbook

A playbook to help companies influence the partners who operate joint ventures on their behalf to reduce methane emissions, written and compiled by industry insiders
Methane Guiding Principles

Become a Member

Is your company committed to accelerating the reduction of methane emissions in its operations and beyond?


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