About us

What Is Methane Guiding Principles?


Methane Guiding Principles

The Methane Guiding Principles partnership, launched in 2017, enables action in industry and government to reduce methane emissions from the natural gas supply chain. Our members build on the foundation of the five Methane Guiding Principles, which drive efforts in priority areas. Our members develop and share practical tools and guidance to help others to learn from their experience and put those lessons into practice.

Quick summary

MGP in Numbers

Founding members
Members today
Who we are

Our Members

We have 46 members, all committed to reducing methane emissions across the oil and gas industry.

Methane Guiding Principles

Become a Member

Is your company committed to accelerating the reduction of methane emissions in its operations and beyond?

Event Highlight

Event: Methane Mitigation Summit, Europe is taking place on 25 – 27 February, in Amsterdam. Register to attend now!